Part of our programing at Whisper Mountain is to have Mission Work Teams come in for a week or weekend, usually in spring and fall, some working on our property, others in the community.

Here's what I have witnessed in the teams that have come to Whisper Mountain as a Work Team:

::Parents sharing with their children their values of getting outside of themselves to help someone else

::Teens giving more of themselves then they thought possible and feeling good about it...more    confident in themselves.

::Adults glad for a change in work as they invest in something eternal.

::Senior adults glad to find a niche that uses their skills and talents investing in something worthwhile. 

Whoever they are and for whatever reason they come, each person is a blessing and encouragement and each person leaves different than when they came! 

We are thinking about making changes to our work team program.  Anyone wanting to come to Whisper Mountain to serve on a work team must be able to:

Speak English!!  Just Kidding!  Hammer nails while juggling...must be an accomplishment on the resume of those desiring to serve here on a Work Team!!!!!

Okay, not really...we welcome any and all willing hearts and hands!


Willing & Generous


The Ladder