On the Blog
Connecting you with the stories, people, and events God is orchestrating here at Whisper Mountain Camp!
There’s never a dull moment, but more than that, God’ll put you in awe of Him!
We’d love to have you stick around!
CWE Fundraiser | Florida Golf Classic 2024
Getting to have a camper lodge built starts right here with these people!
Holiday Extravaganza 2024
People using their skills and talents to join the efforts of Whisper Mountain!
Little Guy Does the Heavy Lifting
Moving big things doesn’t require the biggest machines. There’s a lesson in there somewhere!
A Walk Up the Dusty Road (Summer 2024)
With paper in hand, they walked the dusty camp road up the mountain watching the live skit put on by our staff. The impact was great!
Kate Sandnes at WM
We had a special someone come to Whisper Mountain this summer! You gotta see what she made us!
Summer 2024 Volunteers
Did you know we have superheroes working for us?! Come see some of their faces.
June in Pictures
Here are a few pictures from our month of June so far: the adventure, the connections, the worship, the solo time!
God’s in the Details | Alternate Title: Whisper Mountain’s Chocolate River
Two things: 1. the body of Christ functioning properly is a beautiful thing to behold; 2. our God is big on knocking our socks off with His provision and care, especially in the dirty details!
2024 Craftivities Event
For a weekend (really just a day & a half for most), the women come, they learn or better themselves in the art of something wonderful, they create something beautiful with their hands, they fellowship, they breathe, they find encouragement for their hearts…did I mention they breathe?
The Fab 3 Light the Way
Fab 5 is down to Fab 3 for this spring’s work project…drumroll please…
2024 | Lumberjack Day
That day we invite anyone who wants to put some sweat equity into Whisper Mountain Camp to show up!
Given, Taken, Given Again!
The following story is true! No names were changed to protect the innocent!
2024 Treat & Talent
There’s a certain Life Group down in Southwest Florida sharing a heart for the work of Whisper Mountain!
2024 GIC Mission Event
We are always grateful for the time we get with people who have been part of our lives for decades, and for the support we feel from them and many others who have since become part of the WM Family.
2024 | RUF Winter Retreat
Getting to spend the first week of the New Year with college students is a pretty great way to get the ball rolling for 2024! They were a fun group from the RUF campus ministry in Florida.
Staff Christmas Party
The simple fun of an evening spent together did our hearts good! Thank you to each of you who support our staff so we can proclaim Christ. We are working to stay healthy, united, and encouraged to keep going!
Wedded Bliss | Ellie
When our summer staff come serve with us for a summer, we do life pretty intensely with them. Generally this becomes a pretty strong bond as we share experiences, joys, hardships, and serving Jesus together.