Our Programs

Summer Camp.

A week where the leaders can come and connect with their students without worrying about the programming; where students can find reprieve from their everyday noise and share experiences with their peers that have lasting impact.

Camp is for teens in grades 7-12; week-long stays are booked by youth groups with 84 or fewer. We have one week we open to individuals.

Weekend Retreats.

We open our facilities throughout fall, winter and spring for weekend retreats. Our staff is here to serve meals and run onsite activities (ie: high ropes, paintball, etc), but the rest is up to the leaders.

Sports teams, leadership teams, youth groups, families, schools, men’s and women’s groups have utilized our facilities for weekends of team building, leadership intensives, vision setting, reconnection, and more.

Special Events

Shoot Straight Men’s Retreat

October 3-5, 2025
3D Archery Tournament

Step away from your daily stress to come breathe deeply
of the fresh mountain air. Find encouragement, fun and man time so you can go home with renewed energy and focus! 

Craftivities Women’s Retreat

March 28-29, 2025
Create with Your Hands

Create white space in your life to connect with other women, be encouraged, and craft something beautiful.

Lumberjack Day

April 12, 2025
Woods Clean Up

Help us keep campers safe this summer by helping us fell and clean up trees around the property. Also a day to help us clean up and re-beautify the landscaped areas.

Day Events

We welcome local schools, churches, etc to use our facilities for field trips, sports team building, fun & fellowship, etc.