Last Year:


Camp-fireWhisper Mountain held a weekend just for teen girl's. Our days were filled with girly fun laced with the truth that God loves them and finds them beautiful! Their peace and joy will rest in His opinions rather than the world's! The weekend was a lots of fun, but more importantly, effective! 

Well, that time of year is coming upon us quickly...Boutique
LadyWe've been busy with the details of this year's girl's weekend! It's been oh so fun! The theme is a vintage boutique and the message is that each of the girls is unlike any other dress in the shop!

We are thrilled as we prepare and anticipate how God is going to use this event!  We wanted to give you the chance to be involved too!Scholarships
You can be sure we'll keep you up to date on all things Boutique!!  If you'd like to give a whole or partial scholarship (the girls and us would be so appreciative!) you can go here to give (mark TrueID in the notes section) or mail checks to Whisper Mountain at 2240 Long Creek Road/Robbinsville, NC/28771!!

Would you pray with us, too, that God reaches the hearts of all who come?!

I better get back at it! Oh, and hey, you're pretty great too!


Portraits of Spring {at camp}


Did you know?