whatcha see?
Sometimes all we can see is the board in front of us. Every single grain of its detail stands out...uglies and all!
Then there are other times when we can see past the board to what lies beyond...to the beauty.
But it's all a matter of perspective! And the right perspective is crucial.
I was reminded of this just recently when I met someone that just rubbed me the wrong way. After getting past the "ugh, if I never see you again I'm good with that" feeling I tried to interact again with an open mind. What a surprise to find that this person wasn't really as miserable as I first thought (still not my favorite person, but better than the start!) I could appreciate who they were, I could see the good in them rather than the gnarlies that came out first!I wonder what life would be like if I met everyone with the right perspective, looking for the good first, rather than noticing the uglies right away; receiving everyone with an eye toward their amazing God-form, even if it is completely bent out of shape!I do believe that living with such perspective would cause the world to be a much lovelier place! The world could really use that, don't ya think?!