The Propps

From granddads to their great-grandsons, the steps of each man impacts the next. 

Pictured above are some of my favorite people!  They are huge-hearted, hilarious and well, just plain ole likeable! Their stories (these Propp boys can tell a story!) intrigue me, but what captures me more is the way that God's unexplainable goodness has hovered over them until they have desired Him! When we least deserve it, God is wooing us to the place of His love, to His peaceful streams of life! 

Each of them is at a different place on their journey in life and with God, but each takes steps daily to follow Him. Each is impacting others in the most ordinary and life-changing ways!

May you find yourself walking toward God today! You never know who's following your footprints!


Bigger than we Imagined!


Rippin' It Out!