Team Ten


Team 10 is a new little groupy we are starting here at Whisper Mountain!  I gotta tell you about it!

When you think about it, a whole ministry is a lot to carry for just a few people...financially speaking.  So, one of our amazing guys was brainstorming to try to find a simple way to spread the carrying among many so that the carrying didn't seem so impossible.  He came up with the idea to try to get 1,000 people to give just $10 a month to our camp!  Ten dollars...that's less than a movie and snacks; less than taking the family out to Chik-fil-A for dinner; less than a new pair of jeans at Wal-mart for my girls (yeah, we shop Walmart!!!); less than a date at Starbucks with a love!  Shaun and I are pretty financially poor:), but we could give ten dollars each month!!

It's just finding the 1,000 people with a willingness to give! We know that letting go of money is a big deal, especially in these economic times.  I would just like to throw out to you this chance to become part of a groupy of Whisper Mountain!  A part of Team 10! We need the likes of you to keep up the work of camp!  Think about it. Pray about it. Go here to join! Oh, and tell somebody else about it too!  I don't think I know 1,000 people!

By the way, there's a lot of new changes over on our website, so while you are joining up with Team 10 (did you like that positivity!!!!) surf around our site!  GO TEAM 10!


Swarms of Fun!

