Shaun's Top 5 List :: #4

Carrying on from yesterday with Shaun's countdown of why working at Whisper Mountain is living the dream... 

#4: playing with fire is a common occurrenceBurning pile

Trctr fireWith the clearing of the trails always comes a burn pile, with the arrival of campers always comes a campfire! Building a fire might take him back to his Tee-Pee Camp days as a kid, it might simply intrigue him to build something so powerful, but mostly, what Shaun loves about a campfire is the spiritual parallels that can be drawn from a fire.  There are many, but one of his favorites is the idea of keeping our fire burning by avoiding the water of the world...those things that try to quench our love and spiritual fervor for the Lord. Amazing how just a little water can squelch the biggest fire.

Mostly though, he's just a pyro!


Shaun's Top 5 List :: #3


Shaun's Top 5 List :: #5