Golf cart Since the day turned out to be sunny (what do those weather people know anyway?!) and my boy can't stand to be indoors when there's all kinds of things out of doors, we took to the road in a golf cart! Well, a camp road that is! Bouncing along the journey to "up top", Tegan has a story for everything we pass! Through our chatting I found myself being reminded of many different people.Whisper mountain burn pile :: the burn piles in waiting...carefully compiled by a recent group of teens!

Whisper mountain carpet ball:: the carpet ball games...passed on to us by a humble man and his group of teens!

Whisper mountain stumpless   :: the nearly stumpless ground...generously worked by a couple guys recently!

Whisper mountain tree felling   :: the tree still stretched across our stream from a work team last year!

Whisper mountain truck   :: ole blue...given most unexpectedly by a local business (A-4, thanks again!)

Whisper mountain signs   :: the signs posted all over...lovingly carved by one of our board members!

Each reminder I saw along the way (and there were more than I pictured here!) grew in me a deeper sense of awe and a swelling sense of humility! The awe because God orchestrates many people (most unexpectedly!) to somehow be involved in Whisper Mountain. Their mark is left and the heart they brought with them lingers, only adding to the experience of everyone that comes after them. The humility because God orchestrates a work so much bigger than us, bigger than our feeble attempts at leaving a mark! 

The greatest work that echoes in these mountains is the work of God in each of our hearts! I'm thankful we walk together along this trail! I'm thankful Tegan pulled me outside to be reminded!


guess what?


:: captured moment ::