Deep in the forest wood, down a forest hallwayForest hallway

where the footsteps of travelers can be heardGuys on path

there is a clearing where great men do great workT sawing

Tree falling

4 wheeler load

Log splitting
and find great fun;Forest sword fighting

Doggie love
where great women also do great workShe womanand find great fun!The girls

The noise will soon quiet. Other visitors will soon travel the forest hallway. Great work of the heart will soon take place. Great fun will soon be had! Summer Camp is on its way! The Prayer Garden is nearly ready!

Group pic Two families from Florida, spending a piece of their spring break serving together! 

Thank you Gentry and Young Families for all your work, all your investment, all your heart given this week! We have enjoyed having you and are grateful for the fingerprints you left on Whisper Mountain!


in process


the work of encountering