the handful giveaway winner!

Patti with mug
I would like to say thanks to those who in the comments here and on facebook took a stab at the mystery objects from Shaun's pocket! Seriously. How does this kind of thing happen? Anywho....

The winner is:     

Corrie who said: I agree with the butterfinger mini for two of them, but the other look like a link sausage from breakfast!

Not only were there two pieces of chocolate (still up for debate on the type!) but there was also a sausage link in the back there! Who puts a sausage link in their pocket?! (My man does!) Ms. Corrie was the only one to list the sausage with the chocolate making her...well, sort of with an advantage seeing as how she cooked them up for us all summer long! (she's probably still cooking for us in her sleep! amazing, this lady!!) Ms. Corrie, which color should we send you?
It's been fun. We shall do it again some time!
Happy Monday! (yes, I do believe Monday and Happy can fit together!)


The Case of the Missing Cornhole Beanbags


a handful + a giveaway