When the tree fell 1
When the tree fell 2
When the tree fell 3
When the tree fell 14

When the tree fell 17When the dead tree outside our camp office fell...

When the tree fell 10   :: Ole Blue got to start her engine

When the tree fell 12   :: Marty celebrated the success

When the tree fell 7   :: a squirrel lost his home

When the tree fell 4
When the tree fell 5
When the tree fell 9
When the tree fell 18

When the tree fell 13   :: muscles flexed and backs complained

When the tree fell 8   :: Nyan found a new look

When the tree fell 11
When the tree fell 15   :: a hazard was removed

When the tree fell 16   :: we thanked God for these willing hearts and able bodies


painting dirt


True ID 2011