a lake and a kitchen
Yep. He did! Without Tegan staying on top of the lake dig at camp, I'm not sure anything would be getting done!
He's going to be letting all the readers of the e-newsletter know about it via his first vlog! Yeah. That is when his mother gets around to getting that newsletter done. ahem. (don't get our WM e-newsletter? go here to tell us you want it!)
The sunshine is good for this muddy pit that will soon be our new lake site! With it drying up a bit, the boys are trying to take down the rest of the trees and burn them so digging can commence! Oh, how fabulous to have a larger-than-the-creek body of water on our camp property!
In other news:
WM is hosting a Pampered Chef catalog show to help stock our kitchen with a few needed tools. You can help us get those necessary tools through your purchasing a gift for yourself or someone else! You can shop online here and your order will be shipped directly to you. (The host name is Whisper Mtn.) All orders have to be in by March 31. Hope you'll jump in on this easy way to help us out! We sho' do thank ye!
Happy day to you, friends!