still have camp envy?
Something we hear all the time when people visit Whisper Mountain is "Oh, man, it would be amazing to live up here and do this. What a life!" True, when visiting for the weekend or the week, we certainly do appear to be *living the dream*! But behind the scenes you would face situations like this on a regular basis!
Nope. He's not digging for gold. The man pictured above is a man confounded by the second mysterious, unmarked, refusing to be found, probably filled to the max, needs to be emptied before summer, ewww gross septic tank. Where are you Mr. Septic Tank?
Let me just say, I enjoyed walking barefoot in that plush grass back there when I didn't know why it was so plush back there! (nice mow lines RP!)
While you may think we live the dream, on days like these (which are more often than not) we are trying to maintain focus! While financial supporters give money imagining we are living supernatural lives, we are in the muck up to our elbows. While the outward appearances seem heavenly, we are weary from the inward battles and onslaught of nitty gritty detail problems trying to keep us from the main goal. The goal of Proclaiming Jesus to each person coming through the gates!
The big plus for Tegan in this whole scene is that it made for an incredible hill for his tractors!
In case you are tempted by the greener looking grass over yon, keep in mind all green grass comes with its own septic problems!