Many people don't get the sacrifices made to begin and run a camp ministry. And that's okay. We don't need everybody to get it. When people do get it, they tend to find creative ways to keep us recharged and encouraged! (and for this we are grateful!)Vroom vroom1Each year for the past few years, a certain group of Romanian bikers travels our way. Usually they stay with us then drive the area for a few days then head back home. Each year for the past few years this certain group of bikers tends to get the big guy a bike rental and *forces* him to hit the road with them for a day!

Vroom vroom3He always feel there's too much to do to leave for a little joy riding, but after it's all said and done, he comes back refreshed and glad he went!

Vroom vroom 2Of course whenever there's a vroom-vroom around, little man is in on the action. In fact, his new line seems to be "Are you ready for this action?"

Vroom vroom4Finding the right words to try to get you to understand how blessed we feel by people who remember us and share with out-of-this-world generosity is a task I have yet to be able to undertake. God's timing, vessels, and means always catch us off guard. And always speak of His love for us! (Thank you to those of you reading this who are among the blessers!) As Tegan would say, "Ohhhhh, mannn!" You are awesome!

Vroom vroom5


it's a wild life in robbinsville


Trail Mix :: Episode 05