Here we go with our second staff highlight! (catch the first one here)


// welcomed in love but came prepared with her own "love"! //

Awesomeness-kt1// finds a happy spot while rock climbing //

Awesomeness-kt2// is the perfect balance of girl and tom boy //

Awesomeness-kt3// also a member of the Bros on Ice Band (silliness at WM!)

Awesomeness-kt5// fun to be with no matter who you are //

Peek insideKatie was our first camper at Whisper Mountain. She came up from Florida to go on a backpacking trek the first summer we were open (six years ago)! Since then she's kind of worked her way into our affections and made herself part of the family, returning each summer to help out! We wouldn't have it any other way! 

Cassi: Why did you want to be a Guide (summer counselor) this year?

Katie: I sound so shallow but I just love it here!

Cassi: Um, you're not shallow, it's just awesome here! What do you wanna be when you grow up?

Katie: Either a lawyer or a philosopher for Christ, kind of a CS Lewis type thing

Cassi: (sheesh, she's so smart!) What's your favorite verse?

Katie: James 1:19 "everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger"

Cassi: Do you have anything you want our WM friends to be praying for?

Katie: that I will be listening for what He's saying to me and with the whole philosophy thing that I will be able to answer in wisdom

Katie's heart isn't always shared in words but is most definitely shared through the spending of her energies each day. Such fun and full of love! I'm grateful for her being a part of our camp but also our lives! She's pretty awesome! Please be in prayer for her as she serves with us this summer!

Wishing you heaps of awesomeness in your day!


Awesomeness Takes the Stage // Kyle


a greeting parade