Last-week-3Though in many ways we don't want to face the ending of our summer, the reality is we enter our last week of summer camp today.

Last-week-2The window of our staff's service with us is closing. This is my least favorite and most loved time of the year. I am ready to embrace some serious resting! But saying goodbye to these now-family people makes my heart hurt! You've glimpsed their awesomeness so maybe you can glimpse the aching!


Last-week-5The summer is marked by fun and silliness and bonding and growing...

Last-week-1...but certainly memories of unwanted things are slithered in as well. But isn't that life? Both the good and the bad, the joy and the sorrow, the struggle and the victory all lumped together into one big heap. The richness of life is found as we grow through it all!

Whether on the brink of change or struggling through monotony may you find strands of good lacing your mix of life!

Blessings to you!




Trail Mix // Episode 08