Holiday Extravaganza 2012

Youth-Camp-FundraiserEach year, a church down in Florida hosts what's called a Holiday Extravaganza! Different crafters or small business owners set up booths for shoppers to support those in the church and to get a jump on the gift-giving season! For the second year now, friends of Whisper Mountain have created a fundraiser for the camp by setting up a booth here! For months Debbie has prepared, rallied others, organized to set up the stunning booth you see above!


[Her husband sent me a picture of her weary self. I kindly refuse to post it:) but I wish you could see just how much she poured out to make this event take place. She's a gem!]

Do you see all those handcrafted items and baked goods? There were dozens of people who spent time, talent and resources to provide the booth with such quality items for the shoppers to choose from. And the door prizes offered...I wish I could have won the Disney World Tickets! Sunday school classes came together for a baking day, the men built and crafted the wood pieces, women quietly, and as time allowed, crafted or knit or sewed. I'm blown away by how many people desired to be a part of this booth and ultimately this ministry. I love how in God's economy success comes from a pulling together of many simple-hearted people who just want to bring Him glory! Community is built in serving together toward a common goal!

Extravaganza-booth-ladiesDebbie, Peg, and Traci (and husbands who put up with it all!) spearheaded the effort: the work, promoting, organizing. Don't they look tired? shine!

Ladies and all those who contributed or helped,

Thank you for not only encouraging our hearts and raising thousands for the ministry, but thank you for your tireless and humble efforts to proclaim God through your serving. Thank you for seeing the vision of reaching people with God's love through camp ministry. Thank you for inspiring us with your passion in all you do.

May God richly bless you for all the unseen energy and heart spent!

Whisper Mountain loves you!

**all the money raised will go toward our current priority project that needs to be completed before next summer!


a little action outside the office


in the land of wild horses