Upside Down & On His Way Down
We've been dragging ourselves along in some areas and feeling upside down in details the past few weeks (mostly Patti) as we prepare for the annual Whisper Mountain Board meeting. Last year's board meeting was held here at WM, but this year Marty will be traveling to Florida. The point is to reconnect the guys with all the happenings of the camp and then to help direct the moving forward of the ministry!I know there will be a little breathing happening the next few days...a sort of dignified flopping in Patti's case!
If you would, please pray for Marty heading down to FL (and truck to hold up!), wisdom and great sharing of ideas, and a reigniting of excitement and passion for all the camp is about! These guys are awesome! We're glad they are on our team!
What team(s) are you a part of serving alongside of? Isn't it great to be a part of something with others who care about the same thing?! Happy Serving & Happy Day to you!