on being swept away
So, did you sit a spell as encouraged on Friday? To be honest I got to feeling hypocritical because my weekend felt hectic and exhausting with no sitting. Until the end. Last night...ah last night. I sat still. Not for long, but just long enough to remember what it felt like to breathe slowly. In breathing slowly, I felt a spark catch inside--feeling alive rather than run down; a little want-to rather than the drudge of have-to; smiling rather than gasping for air! There was no blazing fire, but a spark is all it takes, right?We are wise to guard against being swept away by the demanding whirlwind of life. In being swept away, our joy is lost. And without joy...well, life gets heavy & sour. So if you sat a spell...I'm very proud of you. If you didn't, there's always today!I hope your day is awesome!