a motor // a pro // a miracle
I remembered I said I would share those large ticket gifts from the generous folks at the GIC conference in Florida. (see the groceries above? We were given such wonderful groceries! ahhh. it's the little things too!)
// Gift 01 //
I wouldn't really have a clue, but I guess the old chain saws the guys use around the property (to cut down the dead hemlocks, fallen trees, and whatever other excuse they come up with to start their motors!) can't really handle the work load. Enter Large Ticket Item One. A top of the line Stihl chain saw. I've no numbers or motor sizes to throw out--again, clueless! According to Ramsey, when using this chainsaw it's like slicing butter. Now that I can relate to...amazing, easy and smooth!
// Gift 02 //
(mm. he's handsome!) Generally a non-profit ministry is given what other people no longer need or can use. Which is awesome! We have been grateful to have many needs met this way. But when it comes to electronics, those older hand me downs don't always meet the demands of our practical work. Enter Large Ticket Item Two--the MacBook Pro! Having been a user of one of these brilliant, shiny pieces of loveliness for quite some time now, I can relate to Shaun's enthusiasm to be on the receiving end of this gift! He just shines whilst typing away: shooting those emails, writing those devos, and prepping for the programming in general! Doesn't take a genius to figure out he feels pretty cool! (He should...he's married to me!! Only kidding!)
// Gift 03 //
There's been a lot of whining on the blog about my camera being broken or in the shop. (Sorry for that. How shameful of me.) While pouting about having to use my insufficient camera phone, I would dream. Dream of working with such magic as--enter Large Ticket Item Three--the Canon 5D Mark iii. There are many cameras out there waiting to steal your heart, but this was the one for me. Fast action, low light, video powerhouse! I never believed it would actually come true, this dream! My own little miracle! (I mean, I could almost begin to weep...it's just so...I can't even...ahem, okay, pulling it together now!) It's true, I'm often missing with a smile on my face and my eye peeping through a hole (in the most appropriate of ways, of course!)
Both individually and as a ministry, we are blown away by the bigness of God's blessing and provision! And grateful for those He commissioned to hand them to us!
Keep believing for your miracles! God's personally involved in your life! Waiting for Him is completely worth it! Is He calling you to deliver a miracle? What are you waiting for?