whys and whats

Putting our heads togetherEither you landed in this space accidentally, Google sent you, you were on the Whisper Mountain website or you are a regular around here. As a reader, I would guess you have an interest in this whole camp ministry gig. But why?

Circle of handsI'm not asking because I don't want you around. Not at all. I'm asking because our team is beginning a journey of refining our goals and focusing our efforts more strategically. I'm curious to know why you care, what draws you in, what keeps you coming around our parts. Knowing the whys and whats will help me better understand your point of view. Which will allow me to be more effective in communicating!

If you've got a few extra moments, would you mind leaving a quick comment letting me know what brings you around? I (we) sure appreciate it!

Let's go be awesome today!


Would You Cast a Line?

