a few faces stirring my heart right now

Whisper-Mountain-VolunteersToday I'm making famous (in this small online space) a few of the faces who have been shining around Whisper Mountain very recently. A few may be familiar from a video or other spotlight moments, but what I want to share today is something that stirs my heart regularly.

God has led me and my family to share in the founding and running of this camp ministry. So it's expected we would pour ourselves out regularly for it. I am continually blown away and challenged by the people who have a few extra days, are passing through to somewhere else, or have chosen to spend a week or more with us just so they can serve. As if the serving in general isn't awesome enough, of all the places they could choose to serve, they choose Whisper Mountain! As a whole staff, we are encouraged by these people, blessed by their sharing in the effort, and grateful for their willingness to leave their mark here.

Thank you to each of you who have given of yourselves in some way to the work done at Whisper Mountain! You are a blessing!


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a few new additions