Awesomeness Takes the [2013] Stage >>> Kaleigh
The summer 2013 edition of <<< Awesomeness Takes the Stage >>> will begin today with the lovely named Kaleigh! (see Kaleigh in 2012!)
We were pretty impressed with her last summer! (Seriously, go read about her!) We are equally grateful she wanted to spend more of her time giving, loving and serving with us at whisper mountain this summer!
One thing that stands out to me about Kaleigh, aside from her tender heart...and willingness to reach out to anyone who is in need of being reached...and her inner beauty that permeates into her outer beauty, is her ability to see the best in people and keep others focused on that as well! That's hard to do, you know?!
She's pretty much loved by all (and patient with my boy...bless her!). I'm excited to see how God continues to use her and guide her steps beyond her summer with us!
She's no longer #instagramless...follow her @kaleigh_adkins for a peek into her days...when she's not with campers, that is!
(If you know Kaleigh, feel free to leave some love in the comments!)