Awesomeness Takes the [2013] Stage // Emily

Whisper mountain staff emily 5When a girl loves to play gaga ball (read: conquer the guys) as much as Emily, she becomes Queen of Gaga Ball! She represents the girls well, I'm telling you!

Whisper mountain staff emily 4Emily first came as a GIT (Guide In Training!) last year and wanted to come back for sm'ore! I've seen her grow more this summer and become a stronger leader because of it! The thing with Emily is she really has a way of connecting with others! 

Whisper mountain staff emily 1

Whisper mountain staff emily 2She's fun, thoughtful and stays pretty upbeat even when stuff gets tough! And we all know it does! Emily has the ability to take what is dished out and rise to the occasion with finesse! Though I believe the finesse came through life's hardships, she certainly is better equipped for whatever life brings. You know, that whole God works all things for the good thing?!

Whisper mountain staff emily 3As Emily gears up for her first year of college, I think I say for all of us...You got this Em (insert swat on backside!). Catch more of this ball 'o fun on instagram @emily_roedding.


we are flipping out!


Awesomeness Takes the [2013] Stage // Chelsea