Listology // Conversation Made Easier
Unless you're a hermit, engaging with people is pretty commonplace. But let's face it, sometimes striking up a conversation with people can be pretty awkward. I asked my man, Shaunybaby!, to team up with me on this post. He's a pro at connecting and striking up conversation with just about anybody. Here are a few things we came up with to help make conversation easier:
1. Smile. The universal language always makes us warm, approachable and friendly. (and it helps those nerves when approaching someone new!)
2. Remember their name and use it frequently. The small touches are the personal touches. Others feel loved when they are known. The use of their name sends the message home.
3. Ask questions. Finding common ground helps the conversation to progress naturally. Shaun, the king of acronyms, has two ways to help you know just what to ask:
L-ocation. Where are they from?
O-ccupation. What do they do?
V-acation. Fave place to vacation/best vacation?
E-ducation. Where do/did they go to school? Favorite teacher? etc.
F-amily. Do they have brothers/sisters? How many kids? etc.
R-ecreation. What do they like to do for fun?
O-bessions. What are some of their favorite things?
M-edia. Seen any good movies? Favorite movie? Favorite music?
4. Show Interest. Really listen and show interest in what the other person is saying. Nothing is more annoying than talking to someone who doesn't really care.
5. Stay Lighthearted. When approaching people it's good to remember they are most likely as worried as you are about what to talk about. Take some pressure off so you can actually enjoy the gift conversation can be. We are made for connecting afterall!
Chit Chat is where it's at! Happy Conversating!
Do you have other tips you'd like to share? How about any really awkward experiences that would be fun to share? Join the virtual conversation in the comments section!