Board-Comes-to-Camp-3Hopping on a plane, loading up the bus, meeting halfway. However the method, the destination was the same: Whisper Mountain Youth Camp for the weekend!




Board-Comes-to-Camp-7(Most of) WM's Board of Directors spent the weekend with us a couple weeks ago. These guys offer passion, support, wisdom, encouragement and accountability to the ministry as a whole. Pulling together through the Word, catching some vision, playing outdoors: all of it made for a fantastic weekend!

Board-Comes-to-Camp-8Not a tour of the property takes place without an intentional stop at the pile of rocks we call our monument to the Lord. Each time we are able to proclaim and remember again the miracle of Whisper Mountain's beginnings, the strong arm of our God each step of the way, and the hope He leads us with daily. Doesn't matter how many times these guys have stood before it, remembering never gets old and always strengthens us to move forward.

Board-Comes-to-Camp-5With the addition of our newest board member, Dean (and Chris!) comes the addition of another rock to the monument. As is the custom, each board member selects a rock from around the property to add to the pile.



Board-Comes-to-Camp-9And we move forward by leaning in. Leaning in to our God and to each other. God's economy lends each person valuable, necessary and most fully alive in the serving!

Board-Comes-to-Camp-10Thank you to each one of our board members and their wives, pictured or not, for coming along side this ministry with your gifts and talents, but mostly with your passion and love for the Lord! You add to the strength of this ministry! We loved having those who could come for the weekend and look forward to next year's gathering!



we're blushing, they're winning!


October in Pictures