Whisper Mountain + Moving Mountains

Whisper Mountain Ice BranchWinter is the time for planning and preparing at Whisper Mountain.

Whisper Mountain Building Project

Whisper Mountain Choas CoordinatorThe guys do their thing outside when the weather isn't too miserable--the building, maintenance and improvement of the property, buildings and equipment. The girls do their thing inside--the million little details necessary to effectively run the ministry.

Whisper Mountain Staff MeetingBut we all come together to pray, brainstorm, throw out ideas, pray, reject/receive ideas, pray until we feel sure of God's direction for the upcoming summer. The process at times feels grueling, frustrating, and uncertain, but in the end becomes exciting, inspiring and energizing. Once the direction is established we move forward to fill in the details of how to pull off the message effectively with the campers. 

As we finalize our Summer 2014 theme, would you be willing to pray for God's clear leading among our team and the divine inspiration on how to effectively reach the campers coming to us this summer? Your prayers go a long way to ensure eternal success for the work we do!


While I'm on the subject of prayer, as a staff we pray daily for the needs people send our way. We have opened a direct line for sending prayer requests to us. If you would like a team of people praying for you, send your requests (and praises) to pray@whispermountain.org. We would feel privileged to bend our knees on your behalf! Thanks in advance for your prayers for us!

Have an awesome day!


Winter Retreat | Calvary from SC


seven years