February in Pictures [2014]
February was a month feeling scattered and out of routine for our Whisper Mountain Crew. Having enjoyed traveling or snow days on end, we are looking foward to the serious focus of March! The in-between of February -- dousing of snow and teasing of spring -- seems to have run its course, we've survived a bit of cabin fever, and we emerge ready to plunge full steam ahead with our summer programming and preparing! Getting those proverbial ducks in a row! While the crew does that, my kids enjoy some Saturday school and longer school days through the week to make up for all the days missed this month! Mhhm...good times! I assure you they are rejoicing--I drip with sarcasm!
On a more sincere note: thanks for coming to spend a few minutes here each day! You are pretty awesome! How was your February?! You looking forward to anything in March?!