Woven 2014 in pictures
What a weekend we had with the women as we gathered to be spiritually encouraged and try our hand at the art of basket weaving!
Some (one!) of us hated it, many of us loved it, almost all of us walked away feeling the sense of accomplishment and proud of our handiwork!
The teaching by Deb was uplifting as she offered gems of wisdom and gently challenged us in our walks with Christ.
Worship with Charley and Chelsea was completely renewing as we turned our hearts to the Ultimate Weaver of all of life!
Ruth and Renee were a strong sister team teaching us the art of basket weaving. We have such an appreciation for baskets and for their patience!
Patti put together amazing meals, added her special touches on the whole event, and decorated the Hub to be a beautiful splash of happy and spring for our guests--as is her usual!
(I still was not feeling well and really only managed to take some really blurry/bad pictures! My apologies to you!)
While the company was fantastic, the art satisfying, the teaching uplifting, my very favorite part of the whole weekend was having both young and older women all in one place, sharing the whole experience together. Too often, in both the church and life, there is such a divide between the young and the old. We need each other, benefit from each other, are stronger with each other. My heart was made happy by such a sight!
Pretty hard to believe we went from a baggie full of confusion to a basket full of awesome in just a day!
Before the ladies left we gave them a few little goodies to put in their baskets, one of which was fudge from these amazing fudge makers over in the Raleigh area. If specialty fudge is your thang, or you're looking for something special for your upcoming something or rather, we highly recommend North Carolina Fudge! (whatever weight I've lost being sick has been kindly placed back on the hips thanks to these yummy morsels!)
Most of the crew here--aren't they beautiful! Don't they look so proud?! I love it! There's already chatter of next year's Woven! We weren't sure how this retreat would go, this being our first go at it, but we are very pleased with how well received it was! We look forward to next year. If you missed out this year, be planning to join us in 2015.