week's end

Whisper-Mountain-Camp-Solo-TimeWhew. What a week! Many unexpected things confronted us this week -- some good, some not so good. But here we are at week's end, still breathing and finding reason to praise our God!


Whisper-Mountain-Camp-PaintballOur campers have experienced purposeful adventure in the great outdoors, times of deep encouragement from their peers, our guides, and God's Word, and through learning how to hear God through solo times and worship sessions.

Whisper-Mountain-Camp-StaffOur staff learned a little more about themselves through serving and improvising this week. Their bodies ache for sleep and down time, but their hearts are full from the experience of seeing God work in teens lives! We are thankful for the way they have poured themselves out and were open to being stretched further than was comfortable at times!

Whisper-Mountain-CampersEven in the midst of life struggle, challenging circumstances, and being emptied beyond what we think we can bear, God is personal and good and restoring. May you find His presence to be a reality today!

Happy Weekending, friends!


Happy Thanksgiving!


Awesomeness Takes the [2014] Stage