The Giver

Hello, wonderful people! This month I’m going to share with you a beauty secret that no one can resist.  It’s one that not everyone possesses, yet some may have in greater capacities than others.  My beauty tip for you this Christmas starts with analyzing your heart.  Are you a giver? I’m not asking if you give the best gifts, or if you always empty your wallet.  Do you give LOVE? Do you give HOPE? Do you give to those who don’t deserve it? Are you a TRUE giver?

What if I told you? You have the power to give someone hope far beyond their wildest dreams. What if I told you it's right there in your hands? It’s hard to imagine how something so small can make all the difference tear down the tallest wall.  It’s feeding the hungry, serving the poor, it’s telling the orphan you’re not forgotten anymore.  It’s doing what love does when no one’s watching you. What if December looked different this year? What if we all just gave Christmas away? If there’s love in your heart, then don’t let it stay there.  Give this Christmas away and your life will be changed by the gift you receive when you give Christmas away. ~ Mathew West

I stumbled across this song in the car, at the exact moment my fiancé was giving away his last few dollar bills to a homeless man.  Giving is not always one that deals with a monetary value. The generous heart of a giver is always looking for ways to bless others through words, prayers or actions.  Let me tell you about just a few of the MANY people in my life who are givers.Giver.friendsMeet my friend Chelsea Starr. She shines as a bright as her last name! She has the beautiful gift of giving. She is one who goes out of her way to make sure you aren’t the only silly person.  You are never alone with Chelsea. She is giving of her TIME. Her passion is discipling--she LOVES it! Even when it hurts, and it’s messy, she gives her time and energy to infectiously lead others closer to the Lord.

Giver.Dorks(she even helps you win the dance-off at dork balls!)

Giver.fianceThe next person I would like you to meet is my fiancé Brent Stickles. He has a heart of compassion (which I’m completely thankful for). His giving in my life is seen in multiple ways. That precious moment in the car as he gave his last few dollars to a homeless man melted my heart. He is giving of his money, his time and his heart. When I am grouchy and mean he still LOVES me. He goes out of his way to make sure I know how much he loves me.Giver.parentsLet me introduce you to my parents, Chris and Debbie Adkins. These two have been the best examples (besides my Savior!!) of the giving of unconditional LOVE and forgiveness. I am reminded of the time I called my dad crying to ask for forgiveness, to which he responded “I forgave you before you even asked for it.”  Or the countless times my mom has used her Christmas or birthday money on me (now that’s love ;).  They have sacrificed money to put me through school, they gave up their schedules to watch me play sports, and have supported me through every decision in life.Giver.babyGiver.momAre you getting the theme here? Every one of us is capable of GIVING LOVE. This Christmas practice the gift of giving. In return your heart will feel tremendously blessed, and you will radiate joy that shines brightly.  It is a rare and beautiful quality to be a giver.  Will you be a giver this Christmas?|Author + Photographer >> Kaleigh|


the simple truth


Happy Thanksgiving!