2024 Treat & Talent
There’s a certain Life Group down in Southwest Florida sharing a heart for the work of Whisper Mountain! Since our beginning, they have stood with us in prayer, sent up volunteers to serve with us, and led many large scale fundraisers to benefit our ministry, just to name a few things. They’ve in a sense adopted us and they care for us and are a huge advocate for us! (Thanks guys!)
They just held the second annual Treat & Talent Event — did you go? They work for months to organize this gathering. Orchestrating the volunteers to run the night, planning and setting up the decor and tables, marketing everything and setting up ticket sales, finding and organizing the people willing to share their talent, planning the food and silent auctions, and so much more. They excel as they work together like a well-oiled machine!
There was an artist who painted a large piece of art in the span of one worship song. He donated his work to be auctioned off later that night. (to which the purchaser donated to the camp to be hung in the new building someday!)
There were teen bands of all kinds, teen pianists with some fierce talent, old favorite vocalists and instrumentalists and new up and comers! We had a summer staff share of her experience with camp, Shaun shared the fruit of discipleship through the years, and Marty shared his heart to see God provide the Field House so we can continue to safely and effectively reach the teens God is bringing our way with the Gospel!
We had many past summer staff come to the event (some driving from North and South Carolina to join!). We found ourselves overwhelmed (in the best way) and spread thin trying to talk with the over 350 people who came to the event! Connecting even for a second was important to us because it was a big deal anyone took time from their busy schedules to show up and hear what God is doing at Whisper Mountain Camp and consider how they might be involved.
Something I may have the inside view on because I’ve lived life with them for so long (daughter here!), is seeing the fruit of the life my parents lived as I grew up. Marty and Patti were faithful in caring for people, investing their time and resources, and they were involved with people for no other reason than they loved God and loved people. All these years later, not having known then they would actually act in faith to start a camp, those people and so many more, now show up to care about what my parents are doing in the name of Jesus. Those relationships they built all those years ago out of sincere and genuine love, now bear fruit in the way of others joining in the work of Whisper Mountain Camp. I’m always astounded by the way God orchestrates people’s lives. The way He ties all things together for His glory. What an encouragement to continue to faithfully follow Jesus and find Him faithful in the process!
We are so grateful of the Kreller Life Group who so generously invests in the work here with us. Thank you for the time, effort, gifts and treasure you spend to keep the gospel going forward for this camp work we do! Our hearts are full in seeing you loving Jesus as you love us! To God be the Glory!
Big thanks to Tricia Coggins for the sacrifices she made to be there to document this event with all these pictures for us! 🤗