Monthly Dose
Volunteers at the camp come and go like the leaves in fall. While they are with us, they are dazzlingly(!) refreshing in their willingness to bless us and further the ministry!
Alex Alexandrov (Alex Alex to us full timers!) has been coming to the camp for many months now. He will come one week of every month to do whatever needs doing! Each time he walks in the door, we hug him and ask how he's doing. Each time his answer is the same (in thick Northern accent!), "I'm blessed!". (each time I hear those words I turn inward to see if my perspective is as accurate!)
His work has many times been to repair our work carts...and he is successful in bringing old dying machines to renewed life, for at least a little while longer! This time, Alex is helping to paint a little! Whatever the job, he does so with vigor and a smile!