sounds of Christmas // lately

The hum of sewing machineScooping snow candyCarolingRook Card DealingSnish pamLately, these sounds of Christmas surround us:// the harmony of the sewing machine and light snoring from my man late into the nights// a clever teen declaring she'd take China-made over hand-made (no, I wasn't offended...her handheld, technology device wish list is extensive!!)// casual chatter as the Whisper Mountain Elves prepped some treat bags for local friends// groaning from the timid carolers as they were dragged closer to the doorstep// blended notes of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" as the WM Staff delivered treat bags// shuffling of cards for post caroling fun!// crackling of wood from the fire place// (millionth time) inquiries on present time// heart tears dropping onto a broken world// snish, snish and pam, pam of little elves working hard// dripping rain from the overhang, shoes splashing through puddles// quiet wishes for snowWhat sounds are filling your days lately?


Adventures of 12.21.12


while Bossman was away