Adventures of 12.21.12

***warning: the following pictures are phone pictures and not the best quality, but they help tell the story!

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On the way to Christmas celebrations, our family traveled to Charlotte to celebrate with some pretty great people! Remember Brian and Jaclyn? They've been a part of our summer staff over the years and they finally got hitched!

Rehearsal coupleAdventures in rehearsal dinners // while getting dressed in the car, we had a security guy peeking suspiciously around the corner of the parking garage at the couple moving the car around! oiy!

Wedding archAdventures in Charlotte's Christmas Traffic // Those of us not in the wedding showed up a hair late and were given lofty standing positions in the balcony of the Levine Museum!

Wedding huddle
Wedding line up

Wedding my man
{He's my hottie!}
Tegan had to cover Grampy's eyes for the kissing part!Wedding kiss time

Wedding s and c
My favorite parts of the night // Kinsley wearing pantyhose and a skirt (of which I'm not allowed to show evidence of) & hugging some summer staff!

Wedding kt mrty

Wedding summer staff
Nyan and martyAs full time staff we are finding some of our greatest work in camp ministry is the work of sharing in the lives of our summer staff. The comeraderie between them carries well beyond the summer months as well! Such great fun and encouragement to be surrounded by them again during this wedding celebration!

Wedding with couple

It was a good night!

Wedding thumbs up

Wedding shutterbooth

{summer staffers // the site to view our photobooth pics is I haven't seen the wedding loaded there yet! Keep checking!}


see for yourself


sounds of Christmas // lately