CWE Build 2022 | Week 2

The volunteers from last week’s group were just as excited to be serving as the first week! They were responsible for putting on the roof and siding, and they did so with gusto! Because of their hard work, they finished early and were able to enjoy a little swing by choice on our ropes course at the end!

We’ve put together a video we would love for you to watch! Let us know what you think of all that’s happening!

We are entirely grateful for each person who gives their time and energy and talent to be a part of this building! God continues to encourage us by His provision, but also His people!

Cassi Werner

Inspiring a lifestyle of hope, Cassi finds beauty in unlikely places. But also out in the garden, in the home and in her people. She is grateful to work in the Development & Communications department of Whisper Mountain Camp.


CWE Build 2022 | Week 3


CWE Build 2022 | Week 1