CWE Build 2022 | Week 3
If I were to pick one dominant emotion evoked from week to week with these CWE volunteers, I would pick overwhelming gratitude. People! — we are busy, am I right? Life just tends to suck us in and it can feel too hard to step away from. Yet, each week we watch a new set of volunteers show up to camp, ready for the work of the week, ready for their part in this big (to us) project. And each week we feel washed with the gratitude again, just when we thought we couldn’t possibly feel any more grateful.
I was talking with one of the volunteers this past week and he was commenting on how so many of us just make so many excuses. We make up reasons why we can’t do this or that, and yet there was a man on the crew this past week with bone cancer. If anyone has an excuse it’s him, but he was so excited to be there, taking part in the work. It was convicting and left me feeling again just so grateful for all the people giving up something, stepping away from or out of their lives for a week to serve us. God weaves all our stories for His glory and there’s nothing more beautiful!
Watch this week’s video right here:
We say it a lot around here, but Volunteers, YOU are the superheroes! Thank you for inspiring, serving and leaving the fragrant aroma of your love for God behind with you!