Ministry in the “Off Season”

While summer is definitely the prime ministry season, we are also investing in people during what others like to say is our “off season.”

One big way we are doing this is with our camper follow up and discipleship ministry. Many can argue that you can’t really disciple people unless you’re living daily life with someone, rubbing shoulders with them regularly. While this is the ideal way, we still have a heart to continue investing in campers beyond their summer high.

Discipleship in our setting means we weekly connect with campers who are wanting to be part of our follow-up. We do this through our staff maintaining the relationships they built with campers this summer; we do this with regular texts checking in on people and praying with/for them; we do this through a weekly online Bible study twice a week where campers can be encouraged and challenged and trained up in following Jesus; we do this by going and seeing people and intentionally connecting with them.

Shaun is a big piece of this ministry as most of his time is spent developing content and building the platforms of connection and actually connecting with teens and our staff.

He’s also been given the privilege to travel to some of the churches of our campers to teach in their youth groups and is looking forward to teaching at a retreat in the new year with some of the campers!

Off season looks different for all of us full timers, but our ministry consistently remains full when it comes to pouring into people and loving them where we can.

Will you pray for the effectiveness of the ministry we do? That we would remain faithful to first show up in our own walks with Jesus so we can then allow His overflow to reach the people He puts in our paths?

We are grateful to you for this ministry of prayer you have for us!


Merry Christmas


CWE Fundraiser | Florida Golf Classic 2024