2024 Craftivities Event

Each spring, around the end of April, we invite women to create white space in their schedules to get away to Whisper Mountain for the weekend. We call this our Ladies’ Craftivities Weekend. Creating white space is a hard thing for a lot of women because often they are the ones keeping the plates spinning back home; but when they are able to plan for such a break, they are deeply refreshed and ready to keep going!

For a weekend (really just a day & a half for most), the women come, they learn or better themselves in the art of something wonderful, they create something beautiful with their hands, they fellowship, they breathe, they find encouragement for their hearts…did I mention they breathe? This tiny little span in their annual calendar is a wonderful weekend that always seems to slip by too quickly!

Our workshops were led by a local, Anita Theissen, this year. Anita, quite gifted in the arts in general, taught us the art of sewing, both machine and hand embroidery! We divided the ladies into sewing machine and sewing circle groups, and then flipped it halfway through the weekend. Anita taught us how to quilt a practical, fun, and confident-boosting pot holder!

All the ladies were pleased with their happy little projects! When they weren’t machine sewing they were in a sewing circle working on embroidering their kitchen towels.

They talked and figured out stitches and sat and talked…for hours. We heard such great feedback on this sewing circle; bringing back the old fashioned idea of gathering, working on hand projects while connecting in community was the best idea we had all weekend. Maybe you should start one of your own where you live! The connection is what we need!

In between our crafting, we listened to the encouragement of Chelsea Starr Figert, a beloved Whisper Mountain family member by way of a long ago summer staff! If ever anyone created white space to be with us this weekend, it was Chelsea! With littles at home and so many plates spinning, she made a way and we are so grateful! She led us through some the names of God, and helped fix our minds on who He is and the reality of Him in our every situation. Dwelling on our God gives us confidence in Him and strength to face whatever it is we are facing. Each lady left walking stronger, uplifted because of her time remembering the greatness of her God!

Of course, what is a weekend without delicious and special food to enjoy?

Patti, with her lovely little team of help, provided delicious and special food for us all! Patti thrives on blessing people with the special touches. She sees to the little details so each person can enjoy an out of ordinary experience! We are thankful for the wonderful help of Becky and Bay — there are no better kitchen helpers around! Together they blessed us all!

This weekend was one of our best we’ve ever had. The intimacy of the group and the connection with God and each other, and the fun of trying something new — it builds a person up. And that’s what it’s all about!

Thank you to each person who came or was involved in leading/serving at the weekend event!

May you continue to know the nearness of God…and may all your stitches be straight!

Dates for next year’s event coming soon!

Find Anita’s services & art on her website.

Cassi Werner

Inspiring a lifestyle of hope, Cassi finds beauty in unlikely places. But also out in the garden, in the home and in her people. She is grateful to work in the Development & Communications department of Whisper Mountain Camp.


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