A Heart for Whisper Mtn

A whole passel of people down in Florida have done it again! What was once a large yard sale (more than ten years ago) has now morphed into an elegant evening filled with Talent and Delectable Desserts. Never underestimate the power of a faithful few when powered by our God!

A couple weekends ago, the Kreller Life Group of McGregor Baptist Church put on a wonderful evening of entertainment of all kinds, live auctions, and an open window for us to share about the work of Whisper Mountain Camp with a call to join the work through giving.

You guys, we have always been completely blessed by this effort, both in heart and in the practical provisions. But this year…this year somewhere around 400 people came together to give more than has ever been given to Whisper Mountain before.

Some people gave to help us provide the necessary amount to get the new cabin built this spring with CWE (we pay 25% and they pay 75% — amazing, right?!)! Some people gave toward scholarships to help teens who can’t afford to experience the power of camp. Some people gave to where we are needing the money used the most. But all together — the money goes to keeping Whisper Mountain Camp moving forward in Proclaiming Christ to teens. And we are celebrating the opportunity to get to keep going! So are you ready?

God, through His people, provided $50,000 for Whisper Mountain Camp through this one fundraiser! Tell me you have to pull your jaw up off the floor. Insane, right? We are just praising God for His amazing and faithful provision. We are beyond grateful for the whole crowd of people who gave of their own resources to a ministry they may or may not know much about. We are feeling held up in a ministry that requires much, can feel discouraging and overwhelming, and simply hard. We are feeling God’s nearness as He continues to have His hand on this ministry, for His glory alone.

May we remain surrendered to His plans, humble in our serving, and faith-filled in the face of things outside our abilities and control.

If you are among those who came and shared your talent — thank you for making the night possible! Thank you for the time and discipline to spend your gifts and talents to be a blessing to all who were present!

If you are among those who gave, please know these two simple words are doing their best to convey a heart filled with so much more — THANK YOU! May God bless you tremedously for sharing what you did and for giving up the comfort of home on a Friday evening to be a part of this event. Your presence and generosity truly is being used to make the name of Jesus known! Pray for His power to remain infused in all we are doing, for His glory alone!

If you are among those who put this event on - the same as above, but also, thank you for sacrificing your time, talent, and resources (mental, emotional, physical) to play the part you played. The Lord sees you. He will uphold and bless you. Thank you for walking with us in this way. To God be the glory.

In case you are needing to be reminded that God is still in the business of meeting needs, providing what feels too big for us, and showing up in ways we can’t imagine, let this little post be a reminder to you. God is faithful. God is good. He has a plan and no one can stop it. Trust His goodness. Remain in Him in the wait.

Author | Cassi
Photography | Tricia Coggins


Mid-January Rhythms